Sunday, November 6, 2016

1 What is trigonometry?

Trig mnemonics like SOH-CAH-TOA focus on computations, not concepts:
body proportions
TOA explains the tangent about as well as  describes a circle. Sure, if you’re a math robot, an equation is enough. The rest of us, with organic brains half-dedicated to vision processing, seem to enjoy imagery. And “TOA” evokes the stunning beauty of an abstract ratio.
Trigonometry ... is all about triangles.It also helps with circles, finding angles and distances in many shapes, coding in video games, and more!
Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics that studies triangles and cycles. Trigonometric functions are used to describe properties of any angle, relationships in any triangle, and the graphs of any recurring cycle. Learning trigonometry will help you understand visualize and graph these relationships and cycles. If you combine studying on your own with staying focused in class, you’ll grasp the basic trigonometric concepts and likely start noticing cycles in the world around you.

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